JUQ-915 Старший Итаи (Имаи), которая, по слухам, является любовницей режиссера, всегда смотрит на меня с другой стороны. Шина Имаи
- актер
- 今井栞菜
For the past six months since I joined the company, I have been a member of society, and educator IMAI has been an aspiration for me. You can work and be gentle and beautiful. Even though I was married, it was hard to balance work and home, and I didnt show such a face at all. I heard incredible rumors about such perfect seniors. Rumor has it that he is the mistress of Falls Headquarters. I didnt believe it, but one day I saw it. A secret meeting between the senior citizen and the director... did you notice me too? At the end of this anxiety, I started meeting my seniors.