ИПЗЗ-307 Командировка - это рекорд - Как сильный дождь, вдруг в девственной общей комнате... На меня напал подчиненный, который был в восторге от дождя и мокрого тела, а утром в девять утра было мокро и мокро.
- актер
- 夕雛エミリ
We thought we would never reach out for help even though we were staying in the same room... We went on a business trip to the area as a typhoon was approaching. If you could return in the evening, it would be in time, but the typhoon landed earlier than expected. The flight I was planning to take was suspended and I was told I would have to come back tomorrow to find a hotel where I could stay with my boss. Found a room but found a place to stay in a hurry. Im licking because Im a boy whos not a manly club...